Posted: Aug. 09, 2022   |   Last Updated: Mar. 09, 2025

Cry-It-Out Method: Parent Guide

57 hours of research 5 minute read

" One of the fastest growing and most effective trends in getting your baby to sleep through the night is commonly referred to as the "Cry It Out" method. "

There has never been a better time to learn how to sleep your baby. You can regain control and teach your child to fall asleep on his own with the assistance of a qualified pediatrician. But is it safe to cry it out? It should be noted that there is no hard data on whether cry-it-out sleep training is harmful—simply it's not widely discussed anymore. So, if you're thinking about letting your baby cry it out, keep reading to find out what we know about the method and decide for yourself if it's right for you!

What is the Cry-It-Out Method (CIO)?

The cry-it-out method is a baby sleep training technique that involves letting your baby cry for an extended time frame before you offer comfort. The method is controversial, with some parents opposing it and others supporting it. It is not recommended for babies under 6 months old because they lack the maturity to understand why they should stop crying after a certain amount of time or how long they must wait before being comforted again.

Crying it out is a way to address your baby's excessive crying and teach them how to fall asleep on their own

Crying it out is a technique for dealing with excessive crying in your baby and teaching him to fall asleep on his own. It's also a great way to help them self-soothe and sleep through the night, which will make their lives easier as they grow older.

When your child is at least 6 months old, you can use this method; however, if you have any medical conditions or health concerns that require the services of a doctor or nurse, you should not use it.

What Babies Must Learn

Babies must learn to calm down and sleep on their own because they require it. If your baby wakes up in the middle of the night, you should be able to return to the room and calm him/her down. Babies also require assistance in learning how their bodies feel when they fall asleep so that they can self-soothe later in life (such as when falling asleep again).

Babies also require assistance sleeping through the night because if you do not allow enough time for their bodies to process, you will have difficulty waking them up in time for breakfast!

How to Begin the CIO Method

1. Create a consistent nighttime routine.
  • dimming your home's lights
  • playing white noise or soft music
  • soaking in the tub
  • bedtime story reading
2. Place your child in his or her crib.
  • CIO should not be attempted with a baby who is still swaddled.
  • Make sure there are no stuffed animals or pillows in the crib.
  • To sleep, turn your baby onto their back.
3. Wait and watch.
  • Even if you are following full extinction, you should keep an eye on your child to ensure their safety.
  • Keep track of the different intervals as you go to briefly soothe your child if you're using a graduated approach.
4. Soothe, but don't stay.
  • You would go in after 3 minutes, then 5 minutes, and finally 10 minutes.
  • Then it was 12 minutes, 15 minutes, and 17 minutes.
  • Your visit should last no more than 1 to 2 minutes.
5. Consider other scenarios.
  • Are they ill? Teething?
  • Is the temperature in the room too high or too low?
  • Is their diaper soiled?
  • Are they starving?
6. Be consistent

What should you do if your baby spits up or throws up while crying?

A few babies become so agitated by the cry-it-out method of sleep training that they spit up or throw up. It isn't technically a health issue, but it can be upsetting and stressful. It could also mean that your baby is ill or that this isn't the best method or approach for your family.

If it happens repeatedly, consult your pediatrician to rule out any medical issues and get advice on whether you should keep trying or switch gears. If there isn't a medical reason (and you can stomach it), the vomiting should stop after a few nights at most.

Popular European Baby Formulas to Support the Cry-It-Out Method

While navigating the Cry-It-Out (CIO) method to help your baby sleep, it's essential to ensure they receive optimal nutrition. Proper nutrition is crucial for your baby’s health and can positively impact their sleep patterns. High-quality formulas like HiPP Dutch Goat, Holle Bio, and Kendamil Classic can support your baby’s nutritional needs, contributing to better sleep and overall well-being. Choosing the right formula is a vital step in supporting their health and easing the challenges of sleep training.

100% Organic Formula

Contains Prebiotics, DHA, and ALA

HiPP's most popular goat milk formula

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HiPP Dutch Goat

Popular With Parents Because: HiPP Dutch Goat formula is designed for parents looking for a gentle alternative to cow's milk-based formulas. This formula is made from organic goat's milk, which is easier to digest for some babies and can be a good option for those with cow's milk sensitivities. HiPP Dutch Goat provides a balanced blend of essential nutrients, supporting your baby’s growth and development while being gentle on their tiny tummies.

Clean formula ingredients

Demeter Biodynamic Certified

Holle's most popular cow formula

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Holle Bio Organic Formula

Popular With Parents Because: Holle Bio is a renowned organic baby formula brand, known for its high-quality ingredients sourced from biodynamic farms. Holle Bio formulas are made with utmost care, ensuring no artificial preservatives or chemicals are used. This formula supports a healthy immune system and digestive health, making it a trusted choice for parents who prioritize organic and natural nutrition for their babies.

100% Vegetarian formula

Made from full cream cow's milk

Kendamil's most popular go-to infant cow's milk formula

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Kendamil Classic Formula

Popular With Parents Because: Unlike many other formulas, Kendamil Classic is produced using whole milk fats, which can help support healthy weight gain and provide a creamy texture that babies love. It contains essential vitamins and minerals and prides itself on being free from palm oil, fish oil, and other unwanted additives, providing a clean and wholesome choice for your little one.

What Does the Department of Health and Human Services Recommend?

For the first six months, and preferably a year, infants should sleep in their parents' room but not in their parents' bed, according to the Department of Health and Human Services.

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that newborns be placed in a crib, bassinet, or carrier on their backs. Newborns should get no more than four hours of uninterrupted sleep per day, with three-hour naps in between (no longer than 30 minutes). According to the AAP's website, babies should be put down awake at least once every two hours during the day.

Things To Remember With The Cry It Out Method

Do not let babies cry when they are 4 months or younger

You should not let babies cry when they are 4 months or younger. They cannot understand what is happening and will only learn how to self-soothe through crying, which might make them feel better but will also teach them that this behavior works in the short term but doesn't solve anything long term.

The best way for your baby's brain development is by letting them learn on their own, as well as listening closely when they need help understanding their feelings and emotions.

Do not let babies cry if they are wet, hungry, sick, or in pain

  1. Immediately comfort them.
  2. If they are over 6 months old, you can let them cry for a few minutes.
  3. For younger babies (below 6 months old), do not let them cry!

The cry-it-out method can be damaging to children’s developing brains and bodies

The brain develops during the first year of life, and sleep deprivation during this time has been linked to lower IQ scores later on in life. It also increases the risk of anxiety disorders later on, as well as physical health problems such as asthma or ADHD. It is important to take a balanced approach when introducing the cry it out method, adjusting the pace of this method with your baby’s natural development and sleep patterns. Your pediatrician will be able to provide the best guidance on how (and whether) to introduce the cry it out method for your baby.

You can determine whether the cry-it-out method is appropriate for you and your family

If you decide that this plan is not for you and your child, there are other options for making them feel more at ease when they are upset or distressed.

Cry It Out Method Summary

The cry-it-out method is a popular solution for parents who are frustrated by their baby's crying. It has the advantage of being quick, easy, and painless—but there are other ways to get your baby to sleep.

Most Popular Baby Formula

  1. HiPP Dutch Goat
  2. Holle Bio
  3. Kendamil Classic



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