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97% of products in stock - some manufacturer-level outages impacting inventory Some Kendamil products are experiencing a temporary outage across Europe.
Holle has earned its reputation for over 85 years because of its safe, eco-friendly, and Demeter certified ingredients. In this article, we’ll highlight important information about Holle baby formula to help you make an informed choice about the right infant formula!
HiPP has been formulating 100% organic, high quality baby formulas to ensure the health your baby deserves. HiPP offers different formulas for different babies, from newborns to toddlers.
In Europe, there are currently two famous formulas that parents prefer: HiPP and Holle. As go-to-providers of European baby formulas, we can help you find fundamental differences between HiPP and Holle so you can decide which infant formula is best for your baby's needs.