Holle Formula

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Holle Formula

Holle baby formulas are organic with the Demeter certification, meaning they meet some of the most stringent requirements in the world for sustainable farming without the use of chemical additives. Demeter certification is considered the gold standard in organic farming. Every year, Demeter certification must be renewed to guarantee the highest organic quality baby formulas are produced. This verification ensures that each ingredient in the formula has been checked for chemical additives, preservatives, antibiotics, hormones, steroids and added sugar.

Different from many organic manufacturers, the company provides baby formula based on goat milk. Goat milk's fatty acids are smaller than those in cow milk, and they're more easily digested in infants. Goat milk contains more Vitamin A, which helps to maintain healthy eyesight, teeth and skin. Some studies suggest goat's milk even has greater antimicrobial properties than cow's milk.

Holle company has a variety of different baby formulas to choose from, depending on your baby's needs. There is the standard Holle cow formula, a goat milk-based formula, a Holle Goat Dutch formula, and A2 infant formula.

Important ingredients contained within the Holle baby formulas:

  • Demeter Certified Organic Milk
  • Formulas with Goat milk
  • Formulas with A2 milk
  • Omega 3 & 6 LCPs (DHA & ALA)

What isn’t included in formulas is just as important as what is. With Holle, you’ll never see:

  • Added Sugars
  • GMOs
  • Gluten
  • Hormones
  • Antibiotics
  • Soy
  • No Chemicals or Preservatives
  • No Corn Syrup

About Holle Brand History

Holle was founded in 1933 in Arlsheim Switzerland. Soon thereafter, the first Holle wholemeal bread and the first Holle organic baby food were produced - making Holle one of the first organic baby food manufacturers in Europe. Holle is also one of the first certified Demeter companies in the world. The company has sites in Riehen in Switzerland and in Grünsfeld in the Baden-Württemberg region of Germany. In current times, Holle is the world leader in Demeter certified organic baby formula - using no chemicals or pesticides in any steps of its manufacturing process.

March 2025 Consumer Reports Findings

In a recent Consumer Reports investigation into baby formula contaminants, various brands were analyzed for the presence of heavy metals and other potentially harmful chemicals. While many formulas contained trace amounts of these contaminants, the report highlighted that Holle Bio registered some of the lowest levels among the tested products. This finding suggests that Holle Bio may offer a comparatively cleaner option, providing an additional point of consideration for parents when evaluating the overall safety of baby formulas.

European Organic & Demeter Certification

Perhaps the most tangible difference between Holle formula and other European baby formula is that all Holle formulas are Demeter certified. Demeter certification ensures that the baby formula ingredients such as milk adhere to biodynamic farming methods. The largest benefit to biodynamic farming is that extreme care is placed on both the final output of the crop, as well as the intermediary steps leading to eventual production of the crop. For example, Biodynamic farms are not allowed to use any synthetic fertilizers that would alter the soil's natural nutrient composition and potentially harm the environment. Demeter certification requires strict rules to be adhered to throughout the farming process, and any brand that wishes to uphold the Demeter certification standard must reapply for Demeter certification each year. As a result of Demeter certification, Holle formula is one of the cleanest available for babies and parents alike.

Holle Formula Production

Holle manufactures all of its baby formulas to comply with strict European Demeter certification. Holle's ingredients come from biodynamic farms across Germany, and different stages of production happen near the border of Germany and Switzerland. Final stages of Holle formula production happen in Austria, where Holle baby formula is packaged. All Holle raw ingredients are tested to comply with Demeter certification before any manufacturing begins. All aspects of Holle's manufacturing steps are watched closely by the watchful eyes of Demeter, and extreme steps are taken to source only the highest quality ingredients for Holle organic baby formulas.

Some examples of how Holle is made with organic and biodynamic efforts include the use of only organic compost rather than artificial fertilizers, extreme care for animal welfare - allowing them to be in as much of a natural habitat as possible, and preference given to the ultimate output quality rather than putting pressure on the environment to increase crop yield. Holle takes great pride in its commitment to creating clean, organic, and healthy baby formula. Holle is deeply committed to achieving a very familiar taste that babies love, while keeping nutrition and and simple ingredients at the forefront.

Holle Formula Ingredients

Holle sources its ingredients from biodynamic farms located throughout Germany, ensuring that every box of Holle formula is made of only the most wholesome and nutritious milk, grain, and nutrients. Aside from all natural organic ingredients, Holle formula is also vegetarian, meaning that its sources of DHA are plant-based and not sourced from fish oil. All Holle formula includes DHA Omega-3 Omega-6 which is thought to help with brain and eye development in infants. Holle formula is rich in essential vitamins and minerals which meet and surpass European Union regulation standards for baby formula nutrition. Holle formulas do not contain any added prebiotics or probiotics, meaning Holle formulas are known as clean baby formula. Holle nutrients from its healthy ingredients include vitamin D, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin K, folic acid, organic starch, organic lactose, organic maltodextrin, potassium chrloride, calcium carbonate, sodium chloride, and fish oil or algae oil DHA - depending on whether the specific formula is vegetarian or not.

Organic Lactose

In terms of nutrition, Holle formula uses organic lactose as its main source of carbohydrate in all stages. At a biological and chemical level, lactose from cow and goat milk is very similar to natural carbohydrates found in human breast milk. Parents who are looking to avoid corn syrup and sugar, which are more commonly found as carbohydrate sources in countries outside the European Union, can choose Holle formula because of its use of Lactose as a carbohydrate. Because all Holle milk is organic, the lactose found in Holle formula is also organic lactose. Lactose in infant formula ensures that babies receive nutrition as similar to breast milk as possible.

Organic Starch

Organic Starch is added to Holle formula in order to make the baby formula more creamy in consistency. A creamy formula has many benefits to babies, most notably that a formula with starch will naturally expand a tiny bit in a baby's stomach, meaning that a baby will feel fuller for longer. Starch is the main carbohydrate-polysaccharide of plants. The organic starch that Holle uses is originally sourced from organic vegetables and cereals, ensuring that Holle baby formula is 100% organic. Starch in Holle baby formula will slow down the digestion of baby formula - helping regulate your baby's natural digestive patterns.

Holle infant formula stage 1 and stage PRE do not contain any added starch. This is because a young infant is not able to process starch as easily as older babies are capable of digesting starch. Holle Follow-On formula and Holle Toddler Formula both include starch, ensuring that your baby or toddler feels fuller for longer, while enjoying a creamy formula consistency.

Organic Maltodextrin

Holle adds a small amount of organic maltodextrin to its baby formula in order to slow the digestion of lactose in your baby's stomach. Maltodextrin acts as a thickener in baby formula, meaning that formulas with maltodextrin tend to be a bit more viscous than formula without maltodextrin. A thicker formula means that babies are less likely to experience spit up and reflux, since the formula is comparatively denser than formula without maltodextrin. Small amounts of maltodextrin in formula can help with digestion because maltodextrin will cause formula to be broken down a bit slower in a baby's gut - making a baby feel fuller for longer.

Most Holle formulas include organic maltodextrin, with the exception of Holle goat (boxed version) as well as Holle Cow Stage Pre.

Holle Goat Milk Formula

Parents choose goat milk formula because it is easier to digest than cow milk formula. Holle is famous for its goat milk formula, which comes in two options - standard Holle goat formula and Holle goat Dutch formula. The main difference between Holle's two goat milk formula options is that the Dutch goat formula includes added organic maltodextrin (which makes a baby feel fuller for longer), whereas the regular Holle goat milk formula does not include maltodextrin. Holle goat formula does not contain any palm oil, and is GMO free.

Holle goat milk formula is based on Demeter certified Biodynamic (Organic++) full cream whole goat's milk. Goat milk formulas are gentle on baby tummies because they contain A2 Beta Casein, which means that fatty chains found in goat milk formulas are shorter than those found in cow milk formulas. Additionally, goat milk formula has twice as many medium chain fatty acids than comparable cow milk formulas. Goat milk is also naturally rich prebiotics, meaning Holle does not add in any extra prebiotics to its goat milk formulas.

Goat milk formula is considered a specialty baby formula. Pediatricians recommend goat milk baby formula for infants who experience sensitivity to lactose found in cow milk (either digestive sensitivity or skin inflammation from cow milk). Babies who are suspected to have a cow's milk protein allergy (CMPA) are rarely recommended to go on a goat-milk only diet since the protein structure of goat milk and cow milk shares some similarities, meaning that even a goat milk formula can trigger cow's milk protein allergies in babies. It's important to discuss with your pediatrician before choosing a formula for a baby who has been diagnosed with any type of allergy, including babies with severe lactose intolerance.

Holle goat milk formula comes in 5 stages. Stage PRE and Stage 4 are only available in the regular Holle goat formula, whereas both Holle Goat formula versions (Dutch and regular goat) both have Stages 1-3:

  • Holle Goat Stage PRE is intended for infants aged 0 - 6 months of age, and can be given from birth
  • Holle Goat Stage 1 is intended for infants aged 0 - 6 months of age
  • Holle Goat Dutch Stage 1 is intended for infants aged 0 - 6 months of age
  • Holle Goat Stage 2 is intended for babies aged 6 - 12 months of age
  • Holle Goat Dutch Stage 2 is intended for babies aged 6 - 12 months of age
  • Holle Goat Stage 3 is intended for toddlers aged 10 months and up
  • Holle Goat Dutch Stage 3 is intended for toddlers aged 10 months and up
  • Holle Goat Stage 4 is intended for toddlers aged 12 months and up

Holle Cow Milk Formula

Holle cow milk formula is known for its clean and simple list of ingredients. Cow milk formula is the most popular and readily available formula, and Holle makes two types of cow milk formula. Both the standard version of Holle cow milk formula and the Holle A2 formula are Demeter certified, meaning that 99% of ingredients are organic - and the remaining 1% are non-organic matters such as essential vitamins and minerals which are critical to support healthy baby growth and development. Demeter certified formula also means that the cows are ensured plenty of space to roam and graze freely in biodynamic pastures.

Holle Bio

The most common form of Holle cow milk infant formula is known as Holle Bio Formula, which is famously known for its clean list of ingredients. Holle cow formula contains no GMO's, no soy, no sugar, and no corn syrup. Holle Bio infant formula Stage 1 and Stage PRE do not contain starch, whereas toddler formulas stage 2-4 do contain organic starch which will fill your babies tummy and make them feel fuller for longer. Holle cow formulas contain DHA Omega-3 and Omega-6 sourced from ethically sourced fish oil. Lactose is the primary carbohydrate in Holle Bio formulas.

Holle Bio formula comes in 5 stages:

  • Holle Bio Cow's Milk Stage PRE is intended for infants aged 0 - 6 months of age, and can be given from birth
  • Holle Bio Cow's Milk Stage 1 is intended for infants aged 0 - 6 months of age
  • Holle Bio Cow's Milk Stage 2 is intended for babies aged 6 - 12 months of age
  • Holle Bio Cow's Milk Stage 3 is intended for toddlers aged 10 months and up
  • Holle Bio Cow's Milk Stage 4 is intended for toddlers aged 12 months and up

Holle A2

Holle A2 formula is made of cow milk from cow's that contain the A2 beta-casein protein type. What this means is that Holle A2 formula is easier to digest than regular cow milk baby formula, since A2 milk has shorter fatty acid chains than cow milk without the A2 protein. Parents that have a baby with cow milk sensitivity and wish to continue using a cow milk formula will sometimes switch from regular cow milk baby formula to Holle A2 baby formula since it is easier to digest. Holle A2 is a lactose based formula that does not contain any GMO's, no sugar, no corn syrup, and no soy. Small amounts of organic maltodextrin are added to all 3 stages of Holle A2 formula so that a baby feels fuller, and while A2 Stage 2 and A2 Stage 3 contain organic starch, Holle A2 Stage 1 does not contain any starch.

Holle A2 formula comes in 3 stages:

  • Holle A2 Cow's Milk Stage 1 is intended for infants aged 0 - 6 months of age
  • Holle A2 Cow's Milk Stage 2 is intended for babies aged 6 - 12 months of age
  • Holle A2 Cow's Milk Stage 3 is intended for toddlers aged 10 months and up

Holle Organic Formula

Holle is one of the few baby formula manufacturers that participates in biodynamic farming and uses 100% organic ingredients throughout its baby formula manufacturing process. Parents choose Holle because of the simple and clean ingredients list found on its packaging, as well as two goat milk formula and two cow milk formula options.

With Holle's Demeter certification, parents can expect:

  • All raw ingredients checked for any pollutants or contaminants
  • 100% of Holle's farms are Demeter certified, meaning no pesticides used at any of Holle's farms
  • Holle only uses untreated seeds for their crops
  • They do not use any hormones with their animals and all milk is biodynamic
  • Antibiotics are banned with their animals, with the exception of when they become necessary for an animals health
  • They use extreme care to protect their plants from external pollutants
  • Livestock is not commingled with any other species, meaning cows and goats are kept separate
  • Only natural compost fertilizer is used in any of Holle's farms

Why is Holle formula so good?

Holle formula is lactose based, meaning that it is structurally very similar to natural mother's breast milk. Lactose also tastes naturally sweet, without the need for added sugars or corn syrup.

Is Holle formula good for babies?

Holle formulas are good for babies because of their simple and clean ingredients. Holle does not add any unnecessary additives, and their formulas are 100% organic and non-GMO. While Holle formulas do not contain prebiotics or probiotics, goat milk is naturally rich in A2 beta-caseins and contain natural prebiotics, which are easier to digest than comparable cow's milk formula.

Where to buy Holle formula?

Holle Formulas are shipped directly from Europe and not available in USA stores. Organic Life Start is the largest distributor of Holle organic baby formula and is trusted by over 35,000 parents when buying Holle formula.

How to prepare Holle formula?

In order to make Holle baby formula, first make sure that you have the correct stage for your baby's age. Holle formula is available in 4 stages, with age-specific feeding and mixing instructions for each. Instructions for each are available on the package, or the English translated instructions can be found on each product page. Younger babies will require more frequent feeding, and older toddlers will use Holle formula as a supplementary source of nutrition.

Which Holle formula is best?

While there is no "one size fits all" answer, Holle Goat is one of the most popular formulas because it is goat milk based, which is very rare in comparison to formulas commonly found in the USA. Holle Goat Dutch offers a larger size packaging of essentially the same formula. Holle Bio (Cow Milk) Formula is a popular clean baby formula. Holle A2 is also a cow milk formula but is specifically made with A2 cow milk.

Where is Holle formula made?

Holle formula is made in a border region between Switzerland and Germany. Holle's raw ingredients come from biodynamic farms in Germany which are Demeter certified, and final packaging takes place in Austria.

How long does 1 box of Holle Formula Stage 1 last?

One box of Holle formula stage 1 typically lasts for the equivalent of 15-30 meals, depending on the age of your baby. Younger babies will get about 30 meals out of a 400g stage 1 box, whereas older babies approaching 5 months will get closer to 15 meals out of one box. The typical expiration date on Holle Stage 1 boxes is at least 6 months, but in many cases can be 10-12 months into the future. Please note that expiration dates on Holle baby formulas are in the format DD/MM/YYYY.

How much vitamin D is in Holle formula?

Holle increases the amount of vitamin D found in each of its stages, with later stages containing more vitamin D than earlier stages. Stage PRE, Stage 1, Stage 2 all contain 1.4mcg/100ml (3.5oz), whereas stage 3 and stage 4 contain 1.6mcg/100ml of vitamin D. It may be worth supplementing vitamin D with Holle baby formula in winter months when there is less sun, or if your pediatrician thinks your baby is not getting enough vitamin D because they do not finish their meals all the way.

How many calories are in Holle formula?

Holle baby formula has increasing amounts of calories in each stage, which corresponds to the growing demands of a larger baby and toddler. Holle formula averages between 66 and 68 kcal per 100ml of prepared formula, depending on which stage your baby is currently using.

How long is Holle formula good for once prepared?

Holle formula should be used within two hours of preparation, although it is best served fresh within the first hour of making the formula. You should not reheat baby formula leftovers as they can heat unevenly and burn your baby. Additionally, reheated baby formula can begin to form micro bacteria which may be harmful to babies. Parents who choose to reheat baby formula once it has been prepared and stored in the fridge should always choose to use a bottle warmer.

How many ounces does Holle formula make?

A typical 400g box of Holle formula makes on average 100 fl oz of prepared formula. The speed at which your baby will go through this amount will depend on the age of your baby, with older babies consuming more formula than younger babies.

Holle Formula Stages

Holle baby formula is age-specific in order to closely resemble the fluid of human breast milk, which similarly changes in composition over time as the baby gets older. The most notable change is increasing levels of nutrients and minerals found in later stage formulas, since an older baby's stomach is more capable to digest complex nutrients in comparison to younger infants.

Holle comes in five stages: stage pre, stage 1, stage 2, stage 3, and stage 4. Each stage is age specific and needs to be given to a baby of the appropriate age. Many parents use Stage pre and Stage 1 interchangeably, as well as stage 3 and stage 4. It is important to give your baby the correct stage so that they are given the adequate nutrients that are intended for a specific age.

Holle Infant Formula

Holle makes two types of infant formula - known as Holle PRE and Holle Stage 1. Both formulas are suitable to be given to infants from birth, although if a baby was born prematurely it is more common to give Stage Pre instead of Stage 1. Both of these formula powders come in similarly sized 400g boxes, and are available in goat milk or cow milk formula options. The Dutch version of Holle goat infant formula comes in a larger 800g can.

Holle PRE Formula

Holle PRE infant formula is intended for babies from birth onward. Holle Stage PRE is lactose based in both the cow and goat milk version, meaning the only source of carbohydrates is lactose - similar to natural human breast milk. Holle Goat Dutch and Holle A2 Cow are not available in Stage PRE. Holle Stage PRE does not contain any maltodextrin, no soy, no sugar, no corn syrup, and no GMO's.

Holle Formula Stage 1

Holle Stage 1 formula is nutritionally complete, meaning it can be given as a complete meal substitute to babies. Alternatively, Stage 1 can be used as a supplement to breast milk, or can aid in weaning your baby off of breast milk. With the exception of Holle A2 formula, Holle Stage 1 contains both Lactose and maltodextrin as complementary carbohydrates. Parents who have hungry babies tend to prefer a formula with maltodextrin because it makes a stomach feel fuller for longer. Holle has 4 different stage 1 formulas:

Holle PRE vs Stage 1

The most noticeable difference between Holle PRE and Stage 1 is that Holle PRE formula does not contain any maltodextrin, versus Holle Stage 1 which does contain organic maltodextrin. The purpose of maltodextrin in any baby formula is to make the formula a bit thicker, slowing the pace of digestion and making a baby feel fuller for longer. Most babies are able to process maltodextrin regularly, but some premature babies are not as capable in digesting maltodextrin - which is why Holle has created Stage PRE to specifically exclude maltodextrin and let premature babies' stomachs grow before they transition to later stage formulas which would contain maltodextrin.

Holle Follow-On Formula

For growing babies, Holle makes Follow On Formula which is intended to help supplement a baby's diet as they grow and slowly transition to solid foods. Follow On Formula is designated as either Stage 2 or Stage 3, depending on which formula your baby is using. Regular Holle Bio and Holle Goat are follow on formulas in stage 2 and 3, whereas Holle A2 and Holle Goat Dutch is only a follow-on formula in Stage 2. These later stage baby formulas include higher levels of nutrients for growing babies, in comparison to Stage 1 baby formula. Stage 2 follow on formula is intended for babies aged 6 to 12 months of age, whereas stage 3 follow on formulas are intended for babies aged 10 months and up. Holle makes 6 different follow on formulas:

Holle Stage 2 Formula & Stage 3 Follow-On Formula

Holle Toddler Formula

Holle Toddler Formula is made for toddlers aged 12 months and up, and should not be given to babies and infants less than 1 year old because it contains higher doses of nutrients in comparison to earlier baby formula stages. Depending on which Holle formula you have, Holle toddler formula is either Stage 3 for Holle Goat Dutch and Holle A2, or Stage 4 for regular Holle goat and Holle Bio cow. Toddler formulas are intended to be used alongside solid foods as your baby transitions its diet, and can help ensure that a toddler receives adequate nutrients for a well balanced diet. Parents who choose to use Holle toddler formula usually do so because they want to fortify their toddlers levels of iron and calcium, as well as ensuring that they receive important vitamins, minerals, and DHA Omega-3 Omega-6 throughout toddlerhood. Holle toddler formulas can be give up through 36 months of age (3 years).

Holle Stage 3 Toddler Formula

Holle Stage 4 Toddler Formula

Different Kinds of Holle Baby Formula Comparison Table

Every baby is different, and their nutritional needs and demands are unique. Each Holle product is designed with a particular goal in mind. To help you find the right product we have created Holle Baby Formula Comparison Table.

Holle Cow Stage Pre 0-6 months Holle Cow is nutritious baby formula from Biodynamic farms with DHA to support brain development Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes
Holle Cow Stage 1 0-6 months Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes
Holle Cow Stage 2 6-12 months Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes
Holle Cow Stage 3 10+ months Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes
Holle Cow Stage 4 12+ months Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes
Holle Goat Stage Pre 0-6 months Holle Goat Baby formula is ideal for infants who have allergies and need easier formula for the digestive system Yes Yes Yes No No Yes No No No No Yes Yes Yes
Holle Goat Stage 1 0-6 months Yes No Yes No No Yes No No No No Yes Yes Yes
Holle Goat Stage 2 6-12 months Yes No Yes No No No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes
Holle Goat Stage 3 10+ months Yes No Yes No No No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes
Holle Goat Stage 4 12+ months Yes No Yes No No No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes
Holle Goat Dutch Stage 1 0-6 months The most premium Holle infant formula from Demeter certified Goat milk. No soy or palm oil. Includes DHA & ARA for brain development. Yes Yes Yes No No Yes No No No No Yes Yes Yes
Holle Goat Dutch Stage 2 6-12 months Yes Yes Yes No No No No Yes No No Yes Yes Yes
Holle Goat Dutch Stage 3 10+ months Yes Yes Yes No No No No Yes No No Yes Yes Yes
Holle Cow A2 Stage 1 0-6 months Premium Holle Cow infant formula from Demeter certified A2 cow milk for easier digestion. DHA to support brain development. Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes
Holle Cow A2 Stage 2 6-12 months Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes
Holle Cow A2 Stage 3 10+ months Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes

Organic Life Start Answers

What makes a good baby formula?

Choosing the right baby formula doesn't need to be complicated. Start by understanding these seven considerations about newborn nutrition and meal addatives, which are the main differentiators in baby formulas.