HiPP Dutch Goat Baby Formula: Parent's Guide 2025

56 hours of research 5 minute read

" The most anticipated new goat milk formula of the last decade. "
HiPP Dutch Goat Baby Fomula

HiPP has always been a great addition to any baby’s diet because of its nutritious formulas and high-quality standards. Recently, HiPP has introduced their Dutch Goat formula with A2 milk, which is the perfect substitute for cow’s milk.

This article is a comprehensive guide for parents who are considering the HiPP Dutch Goat milk formula for their little one with a sensitive tummy.

Cow’s Milk Sensitivity

HiPP Dutch Goat Baby Fomula

Usually, cow’s milk is safe for most babies and poses no health risk to the baby’s digestive system. A small number of babies show sensitivity to cow’s milk protein. This can be due to two things: an allergic reaction to cow’s milk or lactose intolerance

1. Allergy To Cow’s Milk

Cow’s milk allergy is characterized as an allergic reaction where the baby’s immune system reacts to the protein found in cow’s milk. The allergic reaction to cow’s milk affects the baby’s digestive system, as well as other parts of the body. Symptoms indicative of allergy to cow’s milk include:

  • Rashes on the skin
  • Digestive issues
  • Wheezing
  • Swelling of the face
  • Vomiting
  • Hives

2. Lactose Intolerance

Lactose intolerance is a digestive issue that occurs when your baby doesn’t produce enough of the “lactase enzyme” in their gut to digest lactose - a sugar naturally found in the milk. Your child may experience the following symptoms due to lactose intolerance:

  • Belly pain and cramps
  • Bloating
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Gas

How Goat’s Milk Can Be A Better Option Than Cow’s Milk?

If your baby is not tolerating cow’s milk well, goat’s milk may be the perfect alternative and lifesaver for your baby. Whether your baby needs goat’s milk or cow’s milk depends on various factors. Let’s have a look at the comparison between the two:

1. Nutritionally, Both Are Same

Both cow and goat milk play an essential role in the early development of your baby. Essential nutrients like carbohydrates (lactose), fats, proteins, vitamins, and minerals are present in both types of milk. Goat milk is rich in vitamin A, potassium, and calcium, while cow’s milk has more folic acid, vitamin B12, and selenium.

However, almost all formulas are fortified so that they include the perfect nutritional balance of vitamins and minerals to mimic the composition of breast milk as closely as possible. It means that both cow and goat’s milk formulas are nutritionally similar.

2. Protein Composition

Goat milk contains higher protein content than breast milk, but it doesn’t mean that goat milk formula is dangerous for your little one. Goat milk contains naturally low levels of whey protein. Also, the protein in goat’s milk is easier to digest than cow’s milk. It is because goat’s milk protein tends to form a soft and light curd, which does not lay heavy in the stomach and digests easily.

3. Easy to Digest

Many families report that goat milk formulas, unlike cow’s milk, do not cause any trouble for their babies who have digestive problems.

  • Soft protein curds formed by goat’s milk are broken down faster in the stomach than the curds from cow’s milk protein. This makes goat milk relatively easy to digest and better tolerated.
  • Compared to cow’s milk, goat’s milk has negligible amounts of casein protein, alpha-S1. Alpha-S1 causes allergic reactions, such as cow’s milk allergy.

HiPP Dutch Goat Baby Formula For Sensitive Tummies

Organic Life Start is launching the new baby formula from HiPP - HiPP Dutch Goat Baby Formula made with A2 goat milk that is exclusively formulated for babies who are sensitive to cow’s milk protein. HiPP Dutch Goat is the very first HiPP baby formula made with A2 goat milk.

The formula comes in three stages according to the baby’s age and nutritional needs.

What Sets HiPP Dutch Goat Apart?

1. Organic Certified

HiPP Dutch Goat baby formula is certified organic according to the European Commission requirements.

2. Contains Only Lactose As A Natural Sweetener

The HiPP A2 goat milk formula contains only lactose, which is a natural sweetener found in breast milk. Almost all HiPP formulas contain lactose and do not add any additional sweeteners.

3. Contains prebiotics

HiPP Dutch Goat infant formula contains prebiotic galactooligosaccharides (GOS) obtained from organic lactose. Prebiotics are the food for probiotics (good bacteria) and are vital for gut health. HiPP Dutch Goat infant formula uses the same prebiotics (GOS) as those found in breast milk.

4. Contains Omega-3 and LCP

Omega-3 and other long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCP) are important for the cognitive, nervous system, and visual development of the infant. HiPP Dutch Goat infant formula contains an optimum ratio of omega-3 fatty acids and LCP (DHA & ARA) to guarantee the healthy physical and mental growth of the baby.

5. No Genetic Engineering

As a rule, no HiPP baby formula is genetically modified and does not use any GMO ingredients. Similarly, the HiPP Dutch Goat milk formula is free of any GMOs and other questionable additives.

HiPP Dutch Goat Stage 1 baby formula is the newest addition to the HiPP formula range and is ideal for babies of 0-6 months. The formula is made from A2 goat milk, a milk known to be easier to digest.

Stage 1 formula contains all important nutrients to help your baby grow strong and healthy.

HiPP Dutch Goat Stage 1 Formula
  • Why Do We Love It?
    • Perfect for babies 0-6 months
    • Tastes perfect
    • Easily digestible
    • Easy on the baby’s stomach and does not cause diarrhea or gas
    • Nutritionally complete formula
    • EU organic certified
    • Contains prebiotics found in breast milk
    • Contains A2 goat milk
    • No maltodextrin
    • No starch
    • Does not contain soy, starch, or gluten
    • Contains HiPP-Bio Seal
    • Each product can include 400g
    • Contains omega 3 and LCPs (DHA & ARA) known to improve cognitive function

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HiPP Dutch Goat Stage 2 baby formula is suitable for babies with 6-12 months. The formula is rich in vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients that are crucial for the physical and mental development of the baby. With DHA, ALA, and prebiotics, you’ll be giving your little one the best chance to have a strong immune system, healthy gut microbiome, and healthy nervous system.

HiPP Dutch Goat Stage 2 Formula
  • Why Do We Love It?
    • Perfect for babies 6-12 months
    • Tastes perfect
    • Easily digestible
    • Easy on the baby’s stomach and does not cause diarrhea or gas
    • Nutritionally complete formula
    • EU organic certified
    • Contains prebiotics found in breast milk
    • Contains A2 goat milk
    • No maltodextrin
    • No starch
    • Does not contain soy, starch, or gluten
    • Contains HiPP-Bio Seal
    • Each product can include 400g
    • Contains omega 3 and LCPs (DHA & ARA) known to improve cognitive function

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HiPP Dutch Goat Stage 3 formula is suitable for babies of 12+ months. The A2 goat milk is rich in prebiotics, calcium, DHA & ALA.

HiPP Dutch Goat Stage 3 Formula
  • Why Do We Love It?
    • Perfect for toddlers 12+ months
    • Tastes perfect
    • Easily digestible
    • Easy on the baby’s stomach and does not cause diarrhea or gas
    • Nutritionally complete formula
    • EU organic certified
    • No maltodextrin
    • No starch
    • Contains prebiotics found in breast milk
    • Contains A2 goat milk
    • Does not contain soy, starch, or gluten
    • Contains HiPP-Bio Seal
    • Each product can include 400g
    • Contains omega 3 and LCPs (DHA & ARA) known to improve cognitive function

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HiPP Dutch Goat Formulas

Babies are naturally born with a sensitive digestive system. HiPP's new flagship product HiPP Dutch Goat with A2 milk won’t upset your little one’s tummy and will ensure a nutritionally complete diet.

Meanwhile, if you're looking for the cow milk version, we also offer HiPP Dutch Stage 1, HiPP Dutch Stage 2, HiPP Dutch Stage 3, and HiPP Dutch Stage 4. For those interested in securing HiPP formulas, feel free to reach out to us. We'll be happy to assist you in obtaining HiPP products for your baby's optimal nourishment and digestive comfort.

If you’re considering buying HiPP Dutch Goat formula with A2 milk protein, visit our website to explore the deals.

3 Most Popular HiPP Goat Formulas

  1. HiPP Dutch Goat Stage 1 Formula
  2. HiPP Dutch Goat Stage 2 Formula
  3. HiPP Dutch Goat Stage 3 Formula

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