Posted: Jun. 24, 2022   |   Last Updated: Mar. 22, 2025

Gluten-Free Baby Formulas

68 hours of research 5 minute read

" For parents who have a baby with gluten sensitivity, there are several gluten free formula options available to choose from these days. "
Gluten-free Baby Formulas 1

Baby formula is a good option for parents who are unable to breastfeed and for infants who are unable to consume breast milk, likely due to the mother's unavailability. In addition to being a decent substitute for breast milk, baby formula is also practically identical to it in terms of nutrition and content.

Many wonderful components are used to make baby formula. Many parents have been concerned about the risk of gluten inclusion. However, you can relax since while some infant formulas do include gluten, not all do.

How do you know if your baby is allergic to gluten?

Grains including wheat, barley, and rye all contain the protein known as gluten. They aid in maintaining the shape of the food and tie it all together with a bonding effect. Popular meals including bread, pasta, pizza, and cereals, specifically baby formulas, include it.

The protease enzymes that break down proteins in your digestive tract are extremely resistant to gluten proteins. Proteins aren't completely digested, which makes it possible for peptides— large units of amino acids that make up proteins—to get through the wall of your small intestine and into the rest of your body.

If you're unsure whether your kid is allergic to or intolerant to gluten, the baby formula will likely make him or her feel unwell. Also, he will show indicators of trouble in digesting food. Additionally, your baby will typically show the following signs:

  • Constipation and diarrhea
  • Strong odor coming from a loose stool
  • Gassy
  • Bloated belly
  • Vomit or spit up frequently after meals
  • Not gaining weight or failure to thrive

You should visit your doctor to discuss your baby's problems if he or she exhibits any of these signs. In order for the doctor to advise you on what is best for your infant based on how serious their issue is. As there are distinctions between:

  • Celiac disease
  • Gluten intolerance
  • Allergy to gluten

Gluten Related Diseases In Babies

Gluten-free baby formula

Gluten Allergy

Is an allergic reaction that manifests right away and is brought on by the baby's immune system reacting to the protein in gluten. And it occurs every time your infant eats gluten-containing food, with every exposure. Your infant may exhibit the following signs if he is allergic to gluten:

  • Facial and mouth inflammation immediately
  • Itchy hives
  • Vomiting
  • Trouble breathing

These instant reactions will occur every time your infant consumes gluten-containing food or baby formula.

Common Allergens In Babies

  • Wheat
  • cow's milk
  • Eggs
  • soy, peanuts
  • Fish, shellfish

Gluten Sensitivity

Your baby may have mild allergies or uncomfortable digestive issues if he eats gluten-containing food or newborn formula. Gluten sensitivity has been clinically acknowledged as being less severe than celiac disease And your baby will exhibit the following symptoms:

  • Digestive discomfort
  • Distended stomach
  • Constipation or diarrhea
  • Strong odor with loose stool
  • Vomits frequently
  • Brain fog
  • Migraines
  • Dizziness
  • Acne
  • Rashes

Celiac Disease

The digestive ailment celiac disease is an autoimmune condition. This reaction to gluten-containing food is more severe than an allergy since the body is attacking itself, particularly the small intestines. For further clarification, celiac disease is a condition where the small intestine is reactive to gluten, making it challenging to properly digest meals. As a result, the baby experiences symptoms like:

  • Cramping or abdominal pain
  • Constipation or diarrhea
  • Failure to thrive or poor weight gain
  • Rashes and joint pains
  • Bloated belly
  • Irritability
  • Fatigue

Note: Your child will require a lifelong gluten-free diet if your pediatrician determines that your infant or toddler has celiac disease. Fortunately, growth and development should resume once your baby begins the diet, and any fussiness should significantly decrease. A blood test that shows celiac disease will reveal elevated levels of antibodies to specific allergens. Eliminating any gluten from the diet can help with the symptoms.

Causes of Gluten Intolerance In Babies

It is unclear what causes gluten sensitivity. According to some research, some people may not be sensitive to gluten but rather to a specific carbohydrate that is present in many meals. Their bodies don't properly absorb carbohydrates. They become ill when it ferments in their digestive tracts.

According to an additional study, wheat may have an impact on certain people's digestive tract lining. The majority of the time, this lining prevents bacteria from escaping your intestines. However, the lining might not function properly in those who are intolerant to gluten, letting bacteria enter their blood or liver and triggering inflammation.

Approximately 6% of the US population, according to research, are gluten intolerant. Compared to celiac disease, which affects 1% of the population, it is more widespread.

Most Popular Gluten-Free Formulas

gluten free baby formula

Parents who are aware of the discomfort associated with gluten sensitivity do not want their children to have the same problems. It is advised to wait until your child is at least one year old to introduce wheat and other gluten-containing food in order to prevent allergies, including gluten intolerance. Although the majority of infant formulas are gluten-free, That does not imply, nevertheless, that all infant formulas are gluten-free. Parents should be aware and choose a formula carefully.

Your baby's ideal diet begins with components that you know are pure, risk-free, and allergy-free.

You may be sure that European infant formulae carried by Organic Life Start are clean, complete, and guaranteed to be gluten-free for your family.

HiPP Gluten Free Formulas

HiPP infant formula is gluten-free and suitable for all stages of life. Babies enjoy the creamy taste, and mothers appreciate the health benefits. Hipp Dutch formula is beneficial to both parents and children. HiPP Formula is organic, safe, and simple to make.

1. HiPP Dutch (Stage 1 to 3)

Contains Probiotics & Prebiotics

No sugar, no corn syrup, no soy

No starch

HiPP's most popular formula

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hipp baby formula guide

2. HiPP Dutch Goat (Stage 1 to 3)

Age-specific formula for sensitive tummies

No palm oil

Contains natural prebiotics

Organic A2 goat milk

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HiPP Dutch Goat Stage 1

3. HiPP UK (Stage 1 to 3)

Has organic lactose

It contains sunflower oil, palm oil

No starch

Contains no starch

It contains organic whey as a protein source

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4. HiPP HA (Pre to Stage 2)

Contains Probiotics & Prebiotics

No sugar, no corn syrup, no soy

Hydrolyzed milk proteins reduce allergic reactions

Popular for constipated babies

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hipp ha german hypoallergenic

Contains Probiotics & Prebiotics

No sugar or corn syrup

No soy

HiPP's original formula

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hipp combiotic german formula

6. HiPP Kindermilch (Stage 1+ and 2+)

Contains Probiotics & Prebiotics

No sugar, no corn syrup, no soy

Can be used alongside solid foods

Continued nutrition for toddlers

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HiPP Kindermilch Formula

Contains Probiotics & Prebiotics

No sugar, no corn syrup, no soy

Organic locust bean gum makes formula creamier

Popular for babies that spit-up

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HiPP Anti-Reflux Formula

Contains Probiotics & Prebiotics

No sugar, no corn syrup, no soy

Reduced lactose with hydrolyzed milk protein

Easy to digest formula for sensitive babies

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HiPP Comfort Formula

Has Prebiotics and Probiotics

Hydrolyzed milk proteins reduce allergic reactions

No sugar, no corn syrup, no soy

Easy to digest formula for sensitive babies

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HiPP Dutch HA

Contains Prebiotics, DHA, and ARA

No sugar, no corn syrup, no soy

Reduced lactose with hydrolyzed milk protein

Popular for gentle formula

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HiPP UK Comfort
  • Why is HiPP Formula Popular?
    • Excellent organic formulation
    • Nutrition according to USDA & FDA standards
    • Prebiotics in every stage
    • Stages 1-2 of probiotic use
    • Omega-6 and Omega-3
    • Skim Milk
    • No synthetic Ingredients
    • No starch and maltodextrin
    • No corn syrup or sucrose
    • GMO-free
    • Gluten Free
    • Without soy (Stages 1-2)
    • No constipation, indigestion, or gas

    See All HiPP Formulas

Holle Gluten Free Formulas

Holle is known for producing an organic formula that is clean, simple, and gently processed for a natural and balanced diet, all while remaining committed to environmental sustainability. It's also worth noting that, while all of Holle's formulas are organic, some of them have received one of Europe's most stringent private organic certifications, the Demeter seal! Holle's formulas are all EU-certified organic. The absence of GMOs, artificial colors and preservatives, and aromas or flavor enhancers makes EU organic formula some of the best available.

1. Holle Bio (Pre to Stage 4)

Clean formula ingredients

Demeter biodynamic certified

Contains natural whey, DHA, & ALA

Holle's most popular cow formula

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holle cow milk formula

2. Holle Goat (Pre to Stage 3)

Clean formula ingredients

No palm oil

Contains DHA, & ALA

Popular for babies alergic to cow's milk

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holle goat formula

3. Holle Goat Dutch (Stage 1 to 3)

Clean formula ingredients

No palm oil

Contains natural whey, DHA, & ALA

Popular for babies alergic to cow's milk

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holle goat dutch formula

4. Holle A2 (Stage 1 to Stage 3)

Clean formula ingredients

Demeter biodynamic certified

Contains natural whey, DHA, & ALA

Contains A2 milk protein for easier digestion

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holle a2 cow milk formula
  • Why is Holle Formula Popular?
    • High Standard organic formulation
    • Demeter Biodynamic agriculture
    • Whole or skim milk is the first component
    • Nothing artificial
    • "Omega-3" and "Omega-6" (LA, ALA, DHA)
    • No corn syrup or sucrose
    • Soy and gluten free
    • No constipation, indigestion, or gas

    See All Holle Formulas

Lebenswert Gluten Free Formulas

Lebenswert ingredients are pure, simple, and nutritious. Toxic and processed ingredients are not included in Lebenswert. Instead, a safe, EU Commission Certified ingredient list is used.

  • To top it all off, Lebenswert incorporates heart-healthy ingredients into each formula to ensure it is perfectly balanced. Organic ingredients provide non-GMO, chemical-free formulas for your child that are safe for their health. Lebenswert (Stage 1 to 3)

Bioland certified (Organic++)

No sugar, no corn syrup, no soy

DHA & ALA for brain development

Lebenswert's most popular formula

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lebenswert stage 1 formula
  • Why is Lebenswert Formula Popular?
    • Excellent organic formulation
    • Organic milk with a Bioland certification
    • Milk is the first ingredient
    • Nothing artificial
    • No maltodextrin is present in Stage 1
    • No corn syrup or sucrose
    • Soy and gluten free
    • Great Taste
    • No constipation, indigestion, or gas
    • Omega-3 in all Stages (DHA, ALA)
    • Omega-6 (LA) at every stage

    See All Lebenswert Formulas

Kendamil Gluten Free Formulas

Kendamil organic is made in the United Kingdom and has over 58 years of experience in the industry.

Each Kendamil formula contains a wide range of vitamins and minerals, as well as full cream nutrients. The natural goodness in each formula will aid your baby's natural development.

EU organic certification means that no artificial pesticides, herbicides, steroids, chemicals, or harsh metals have been used. Kendamil is an excellent formula option because it has a flavor that babies enjoy and ingredients that mothers prefer.

1.Kendamil Classic (Stage 1 to 3)

No palm oil, no soy, no maltodextrin

Contains DHA & ALA

Natural Prebiotics

Available in 3 age-specific stages

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Kendamil Cow Milk Formula

2.Kendamil Goat (Stage 1 to 3)

No palm oil, no soy, no maltodextrin

Contains DHA & ALA

Natural Prebiotics

Available in 3 age-specific stages

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Kendamil Goat Milk Formula

3.Kendamil Organic (Stage 1 to 3)

100% Organic

No palm oil, no soy, no maltodextrin

Contains Plant-Based DHA and ALA

Whole Milk as a Natural Mammal Fat Source

EU and British Soil Association Certified Organic

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Kendamil Organic Formula
  • Why is Kendamil Formula Popular?
    • Excellent quality organic formulation
    • Milk from the British Lakes Region
    • Whole milk is the first component
    • Nothing artificial
    • There is never any maltodextrin present
    • No corn syrup or sucrose
    • Soy and gluten free
    • Palm oil free
    • Omega-3 through DHA and ALA
    • Omega-6 through LA
    • Inositol & Choline (Stage 1)
    • Acids Amino
    • Good taste
    • No constipation, indigestion, or gas
    • Prebiotics delivered by GOS

    See All Kendamil Formulas

Kabrita Gluten Free Formulas

Moving away from the common perception of a "goaty" flavor and smell often linked with goat milk, Kabrita guarantees parents that its infant formulas provide a gentle taste. This result is accomplished through the utilization of fresh Dutch goat milk and an effective manufacturing procedure.

3.Kabrita (Stage 1 to 3)

Contains natural whey, DHA, & ALA

No soy, corn syrup, maltodextrin, or starch

100% Non-GMO formula

Easy to digest goat milk formula for sensitive babies

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  • Why is Kabrita Formula Popular?
    • Easier to digest than cow milk formulas
    • Less allergens than cow milk formulas
    • Ethically sourced ingredients
    • Omega-3 through DHA and ALA
    • Allergy-friendly (no soy, gluten, wheat, or nuts)
    • Great for babies who suffer from stomach trouble caused by cow milk sensitivity
    • Omega 3 & 6 LCPs (DHA & ALA)
    • No added sugar or corn syrup
    • No artificial flavors or colors
    • No chemicals or preservatives

    See All Kabrita Formulas

Nannycare Gluten Free Formulas

Nannycare stands out for its commitment to using only the cleanest and ethically sourced ingredients in their baby formulas. By using 100% full cream premium New Zealand goat milk as the foundation for their formulas, Nannycare ensures a high standard of nutrition for babies while also being easier to digest than cow milk formulas.

1.Nannycare (Stage 1 to 3)

No soy, palm oil, corn syrup, maltodextrin, or starch

Contains DHA and AA

100% Non-GMO formula

Premium goat milk formula ideal for gentle stomachs

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  • Why is Nannycare Formula Popular?
    • This formula is full of essential nutrients, minerals, and vitamins
    • Uses A2 milk formula with only A2 Beta Caseins
    • No added probiotics and prebiotics
    • Premium goat milk formula that is ideal for gentle stomachs
    • Omega-3 through DHA and AA
    • Easier to digest than cow milk formulas
    • Less allergens than cow milk formulas
    • Allergy-friendly (no soy, gluten, wheat, or nuts)
    • No added sugar or corn syrup
    • GMO-Free formula

    See All Nannycare Formulas

Aptamil Gluten Free Formulas

Aptamil is carefully crafted to provide a balanced and complete source of nutrients, ensuring your baby receives the best start to life with optimal growth and development. Aptamil's commitment to scientific research and stringent quality standards makes it a reliable and trusted option for your little one's nourishment.

1.Aptamil Nutribiotik (Stage 1 to 3)

Allergy-Friendly (No Gluten, Wheat, or Nuts)

Omega 3 & 6 LCPs (DHA & ALA)

Ethically sourced ingredients

Patented prebiotics for healthy gut and immune system development

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Aptamil Nutribiotik

2.Aptamil Gold+ (Stage 1 to 3)

Allergy-Friendly (No Gluten, Wheat, or Nuts)

Omega 3 & 6 LCPs (DHA & ALA)

With Prebiotics and Probiotics

Offers a unique blend of key nutrients for babies

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Aptamil Gold+

3.Aptamil Pepti ( Stage 1 to 2)

Contains a patented blend of prebiotics GOS/FOS

Has no added lactose

Hydrolyzed milk proteins reduce allergic reactions

Popular for the dietary management of cow’s milk protein allergy (CMPA)

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Aptamil Pepti

No sugar, no corn syrup, no soy

Reduced lactose

Hydrolyzed milk proteins reduce allergic reactions

Designed to help with colic and constipation

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Aptamil Comfort

Formula for reflux

No sugar, no corn syrup, no soy

Thickened consistency to reduce spit up

Popular baby formula for acid reflux

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Aptamil Anti Reflux
  • Why is Aptamil Formula Popular?
    • Ethically sourced ingredients
    • Omega 3 & 6 LCPs (DHA & ALA)
    • Allergy-friendly (no gluten, wheat, or nuts)
    • No added sugar or corn syrup
    • No artificial flavors or colors
    • No chemicals or preservatives
    • No Antibiotics
    • No GMOs

    See All Aptamil Formulas

Gluten Free Formula

The question of whether your baby has a gluten allergy or sensitivity is important for many parents reading about gluten issues. The infant formula you select, as well as the possibility that it contains gluten, will be at the forefront of your search for good nutrition.

Gluten is not present in the majority of baby formulas. In fact, gluten ingredients are not listed on the product label of most infant formulas. There are numerous manufacturers of baby formulas, and each product is uniquely formulated, so it is critical to read labels. However, it is common for manufacturers to avoid common allergens, so most baby formulas are free of the eight major allergens, including gluten.

The best nutrition for your baby begins with ingredients that you know are safe, pure, and free of allergens. You can be confident that Organic Life Start carries only European baby formulas that are gluten-free, clean and have complete nutrition that your family can rely on.

Most Popular Gluten Free Baby Formula

  1. HiPP HA Formula
  2. HiPP Comfort Formula
  3. Holle Goat Formula




  • Simone -

    My wife and I are so worried during the first 2 weeks when we started giving our baby some formula as our baby is having a hard time passing stools. Sometimes she has diarrhea, is always gassy, and continuously spitting up after each feed. When we saw hives on her skin, we immediately went to her pediatrician, as everything was too much to bear. We then discovered that she has gluten allergy, which is present in the formula we are giving her. It was heartbreaking for parents like us, but we are glad that we found out and instantly made the switch to HiPP Dutch. It was a relief to see that our baby is thriving on the formula and has been very active since. She eventually enjoys every feed and is not showing signs of that bad and traumatic experience. It is always the best to check every ingredient of any food you make your baby eat. It would be a lifesaver!

  • Gloria C -

    I never realized that some baby formulas contain hidden sources of gluten! I always assumed most formulas were naturally gluten-free, but after doing some research, I’ve learned that certain additives or processing methods can introduce gluten. It’s eye-opening to see how important label reading is, especially for babies with sensitivities.

    A friend of mine went through a tough time figuring out why her baby had constant bloating, eczema flare-ups, and fussiness after feedings. After multiple formula switches and doctor visits, she finally tried a gluten-free option—and within weeks, the difference was night and day. The bloating reduced, the skin issues improved, and her little one was much happier overall.

  • Denise D. -

    During my baby’s first two weeks, my baby showed some signs that she was having trouble digesting her formula milk. She was constipated and gassy, and she was not gaining weight. So, we went ahead and coordinated this with her pediatrician. We underwent some tests, and we found out that my baby has celiac disease. She immediately prescribed us to look for a gluten-free formula, but we have to check it on her first before giving it to our little baby. I never knew that there was this kind of formula. We did a lot of research and even joined groups of parents whose kids are also the same as ours. Most of them are using the HiPP, Holle, or Kendamil brands. We decided to try to her the Holle A2 formula, and it’s like magic. After 3 weeks of using it, we saw a drastic change in our baby; she is not irritated anymore, and she is now being playful with us. Giving our kids a gluten-free formula is really a big help. Thank you, guys!

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